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We are offering drop-in appointments across all our developments; however, should you wish to have dedicated time with our sales advisor, we encourage you to book ahead. Come and visit us.

Complaints procedure

We are aware that errors do sometimes occur, and where this happens, it is our intention to minimise any inconvenience and resolve any outstanding issues at the earliest opportunity.

Step 1

Customer Care department

Our local teams are empowered to resolve most of your enquiries and so your first point of contact should be with the Customer Care department at the divisional office for the region in which you’ve bought your home.

Contact Us

Step 2

Head of Customer Care

If your enquiry has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please get in touch with the Head of Customer Care at your divisional office.

Find my Head of Customer Care

Step 3

Construction Director

We hope that your query has been resolved at this stage, but if not, please contact the Construction Director at your division. If your complaint is related to the sales process, please contact the divisional Sales Director.

Find my Construction Director / Sales Director

Step 4

Divisional Managing Director

If you still feel you haven’t reached a satisfactory conclusion, please feel free to contact your Divisional Managing Director.

Find my Divisional Managing Director

Step 5

Group Customer Care Director

In the unlikely event that your complaint has still not been resolved, please write to our Group Customer Care Director, John Enright, at Group head office. John has full and final responsibility for resolving your complaint but can only do so if you have followed the steps above. john.enright@bellway.co.uk


We are a registered developer with the Consumer Code for Home Builders and the New Homes Quality Board, and comply with their applicable Codes.

In the unlikely event that you remain dissatisfied after following our formal complaints procedure, you may be able to raise your complaint with your Warranty Provider, or through the respective Code bodies:

Consumer Code for Home Builders. (for homes reserved before the 4 October 2022)

New Homes Quality Board (for homes reserved on or after 4 October 2022)

Additionally, all homeowners of properties reserved after 4 October 2022 are able to progress concerns to the New Homes Ombudsman Service.